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Posted on Nov 9, 2013 by in Other Stuff |


I probably won’t be putting up another book review for a while because…NaNoWriMo. Duh.

For those who don’t know, NaNoWriMo stands for National Novel Writing Month! It’s basically a competition where you try to write 50,000 words in the month of November. One month is all you have to write. If you manage to reach the goal, you win!

There are no real prizes to be honest, but you accomplished it and the feeling of pride is your prize. Now some people think that it’s a waste of time, but it forces you to write something in a given amount of time so your writing will get going and hopefully finished!

I have been writing for most of my free time and that equals zero reading basically. So that equals no book reviews but by the time November ends, I am sure I will be positively sick of writing. So! Please don’t abandon me thank you. I’ll try to read something this weekend. c: