Blood of Olympus Cover Reveal

So if you have been keeping up with the Heroes of Olympus, Rick Riordan and Blood of Olympus, you should probably know that the cover has been revealed for us to see!
I decided to make a post on this because…I’m kind of disappointed. When my friend showed me it, I thought: This is a fan made cover. This isn’t real.
AHA, but it was.
I’m just really disappointed on the cover. I see covers like HoH and MoA and then I look at this. I mean, it isn’t awful or anything, it just wasn’t how I expected it to be.
You want to know how I expected it to be? I thought of it as like a dark cover, similar to HoH. Dark color scheme, with Olympus crumbling in the background and Nico.
Anyway, it’s an okay cover. I was hoping for something more epic, dark and exciting. I mean, this is the final book. The final battle. After this, Percy Jackson is over.
I am though, excited to read it. Don’t judge a book by it’s cover they all say.
Blood of Olympus comes out on October 7th! Count down the days…