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The Girl of Fire and Thorns

Posted on Oct 2, 2013 by in Book Reviews |

The Girl of Fire and Thorns

Elisa was not an ordinary one. She has been chosen by God to fulfill a certain task for the world. But Elisa has her doubts.

She never did anything noticeable and she wonders how on Earth was she going to do anything when she was so unsure of herself. Elisa has two older sisters. Why can’t it be them?

Because Elisa is the chosen one with a special power, people pursue to capture her in hopes of using her although she thinks herself as useless. Will Elisa manage to use her power to help the kingdom?

I was at first really excited to read about Elisa. She was described as fat and unpretty. Finally! A usually supposed-to-be princess has imperfections!

Characters always say: My hair is a bird’s nest and I’m ugly ugh. Elisa here, also thinks this, but it is repeated a ton of times and you don’t forget it. Elisa just knows. And frankly, I don’t think she was doing anything about it.

But then things started to go downhill when Elisa lost all her weight after walking in the desert. She had to change a LOT to make her more…attractive and suddenly she’s a leader and really, most people don’t have deserts to walk across.

Now for the actually story/plot part. The idea of Godstones was kind of meh but it’s a good paced book to read. But this ‘chosen’ part was confusing and i was left with many questions. What was the point anyway? To save the world? Okay book overall. 3 out of 5