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Fire by Kristin Cashore

Posted on Jul 22, 2013 by in Book Reviews |

Fire by Kristin Cashore

The Dells are not a peaceful place, at least to Fire. She is the last human monster, with blazing red hair and the power to control people’s minds. Fire is equally adored and hated by the people and hides her power, afraid that she will become like her father.

Fire is not the only one who is having an unpleasant time. King Nash is clinging to his throne as two rebellious lords try to throw him over.

When Prince Brigan, Nash’s brother, brings Fire to King’s City, she is asked to search the minds of people and uncover the plan against the king. Fire is uncertain. If only she wasn’t afraid to become like her father.

Kristin Cashore is the same author who wrote Graceling, but I’m not sure if she did a good job on Fire, like she did for Graceling.

The plot is okay. I liked the idea of Fire with her power of controlling minds and all that. It was nicely written. Personally there was not a lot of action going on but it was okay. I’m more of an action kind of person.

The thing that put me off were two characters. Fire and Archer. Fire was a very whiny person I honestly couldn’t stand for some parts. She was okay for most of the time but she ticked me off sometimes.

I don’t even know where to start on Archer. He doesn’t respect the decisions Fire makes and is way too over protective. Sure it’s dangerous for her but Archer should just leave her alone and just…blahg.

Also, Archer loves her yes, but he sleeps with other girls. Yeah that definitely tells Fire how you feel Archer. Maybe that’s what they did in the Dells I’m not really positive. Maybe that’s what you did in that society. They definitely didn’t have cars or T.V. but still…really?

3 out of 5